2012年8月25日 星期六

大不一樣 (Joke)

Here’s a joke to show you how the same Chinese characters can give very different meanings only by changing the order they are put.

A woman asks her doctor: “I’d like to have a boob job, but what  difference will it make?”

“Well,” the doctor replies with composure, “There’re five possibilities:

大不一樣 (da4 bu4 yi2 yang4)
不大一樣 (bu2 da4 yi2 yang4)
不一樣大 (bu4 yi2 yang4 da4)
一樣不大 (yi2 yang4 bu2 da4)
樣大不一 (yang da4 bu4 yi)

All the five expressions are made up of the same four words with different orders and different meanings accordingly, except for 3, and 5, which have very similar meanings. Also, have you noticed that is not  always pronounced with the same tone?

一樣means the same, which makes 不一樣 “not the same,” “different” because means “not.”

1. 大不一樣: Hugely different.means big, huge, very much.
2. 不大一樣: Not exactly the same. Somewhat different.
3. 不一樣大: Not of the same size. (Oh, my!)
4. 一樣不大: The surgery doesn’t make any difference. They’re still of the same size—no big.  (Sue the doctor!)
5 樣大不一: Not of the same size.
