2011年1月11日 星期二

吃了一斤 (Hilarious errors)

With so many words pronounced the same or almost the same, the Chinese language is abundant in puns or word games of such kind.  Or, you might easily make hilarious errors when you're careless or don't have such a good command of the language.

One of the very wide-spread jokes is as follow:

"I stepped on some dogshit and 吃了一."

(jin), catty, is a unit of weight. In Taiwan it equals to 600 grams while in China, 500. If you accidentally use the word in the sentence, you make yourself a dogshit-eater.

What exactly should you put if you're like me, a non-dogshit-eater?

"I stepped on some dogshit and 吃了一."

(ch): eat

吃了一驚 (jing): get startled or surprised.
吃了一: (Simplified)
吃了一(jin): eat a catty

With ultimate sincerity I hope you won't step on any kind of shit today.

